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Letztes Update: 11.12.2024
The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology
TEL: +44 20 8331 8646
FAX: +44 20 8331 8647
University of Greenwich
Central Avenue
UK-ME4 4TB   Chatham Maritime, Kent
+44 20 8331 8646
Frau Caroline Chapman
Centre Support Manager The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology
Herr Mike Bradley
Director The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology
Frau Baldeep Kaur
Consultant Engineer The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology
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Consultancy, Research and Training (Short Courses) for the bulk materials handling industry.

Independent expertise and cost-effective solutions to industrial problems.

Our Mission: To help industry to get it’s powders and bulk materials to behave in the way they need them to.

2024 marked 50 years of service to the bulk solids handling industry.
We shall continue to help Industry solve its bulk materials handling issues.
Consultancy Services, Education and Research
Produkte, Services
 Schüttgutkursen (Englisch) - identify the problem, learn the solution. We offer online learning, face to face courses with practical workshops or in-company courses.
 Pneumatische Förderung - Consultancy and education services; Research projects. On-site pilot plant with pneumatic conveying pipelines.
 Discharge of Powders - Consultancy and education services; Research projects. Specialist equipment on site to identify issues with storage and discharge of bulk materials.
 Expert Witness services - For companies involved in litigation, arbitration or adjudication matters, we can provide reports, analyses, ’forensic engineering’ or court appearanc
 Powder Flow Properties - Consultancy and education services; Research projects. Powder testing facilities.
 Plant Design services - The greatest risk to plant performance for end users is to assume a constant form and behaviour for a given bulk solid throughout the plant.
 Partikelformanalyse - Consultancy and education services; Research projects. Specialist equipment available
 Quality control - Consultancy and education services; Research projects
 Bulk materials handling - Independent expertise and cost-effective solutions to industrial problems
 Hoppers and Silos - Independent expertise and cost-effective solutions to industrial problems
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Durchflussmessung
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Messung der Fluidisierbarkeit
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Partikelformbestimmung
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Partikelgrößenbestimmung
Mehr anzeigen
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Durchflussmessung
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Messung der Fluidisierbarkeit
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Partikelformbestimmung
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Partikelgrößenbestimmung
Serviceleistungen - Messung, Auswertungen - Qualitätstest
Serviceleistungen - Diverse Dienstleistungen - Sachverständige
Serviceleistungen - Diverse Dienstleistungen - Weiterbildung

Aktuelle Events

Kurs Troubleshooting and Commissioning Pneumatic Conveying System
Overview: Delegates will look at the setting up and commissioning of pneumatic conveying systems. This course is a ’Hands on’ fully practical session using the pneumatic conveying lines and rotary valves in the on-site laboratories in Chatham. Subjects covered: * The practical challenge of starting up systems on site and making sure they work as the designer intended; * Understand the key signals to look out for that tell you how the system is operating; * Avoiding pitfalls that can lead to slow start up, blockages etc; * How to know when the system is operating as intended; * Ensuring the system is optimised around the users priority requirements eg. minimum energy usage/ particle blockage / system wear; * It also covers lean and dense phase, rotary valves, blow tanks and various air supply types Course fee: £915 per delegate Venue: Chatham, Kent Contact: Caroline Chapman
26.03.2025 | Kurs | 2 Tage | Chatham, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig
Kurs Pneumatic Conveying of Bulk Solids
Overview: This intensive course looks at system components, design techniques, operation and control of blow tank systems, explosion hazards and operational problems, as well as the important but often neglected area of interfacing storage bins with conveying systems. Subjects covered: * Techniques for reducing product degradation during conveying * Ways to reduce maintenance, repair and unplanned stoppages to pneumatic conveying equipment * Methods of reducing energy consumption * How to troubleshoot problematic systems * How to eliminate blockages in pneumatic pipelines * Explosion Hazards including ATEX Directives * Operation and control of blow tanks * System selection and operation * Interfacing storage bins to conveying systems * Relevant case studies from industry Course fee: from £915. Discounted are offered for returning delegates and 2 or more registrations from one company. This course is delivered in English.
14.05.2025 | Kurs | 3 Tage | Chatham, Kent, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig
Kurze Kurs Pneumatic Conveying System Design
Advanced Course: Pneumatic Conveying System Design An in-depth exploration of detailed calculations and design for pneumatic pipelines. This course is aimed at practitioners already familiar with the basics of pneumatic conveying. Course fees are £915 This is also available as an In-Company course. This course is delivered in English.
03.06.2025 | Kurze Kurs | 2 Tage | Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig
Mehr zeigen (3)


Conference Fire Prevention and Management in Bulk Materials Storage Conference to promote awareness of fires in silos and flat stores and how to prevent or manage these occurrences.
Conference Fire Prevention and Management in Bulk Materials Storage
Conference to promote awareness of fires in silos and flat stores and how to prevent or manage these occurrences. Fire Prevention and Management in Biomass and Bulk Materials Storage 10 June 2025; University of Greenwich , Medway campus, UK Organised by the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology. Conference Chair: Prof. Michael Bradley Registration is now open for the 4th Conference in the ‘Silo Fires’ series to promote awareness of fires in silos and flat stores and how to prevent or manage these occurrences. This conference will highlight an issue that is quite common but not very well exposed or covered. Unlike explosions, it is not regulated by DSEAR so does not get the same attention, but fires in storage of bulk solids is probably more common than explosions. The conference will open with a couple of case studies, moving on to discussing current scientific knowledge, finishing with advice on how to deal with the aftermath of fires in storage vessels, along with strategies for safety via design and operation practices. Programme We are pleased
20.03.2025  |  221x  |  Kurzbericht  | 
Kostenloses Online-Seminar am 13. Mai über Schüttgutfragen Kostenloses Online-Seminar rund 90 min zu Pulverströmungsproblemen, Partikelcharakterisierung und Pulverentmischung
Kostenloses Online-Seminar am 13. Mai über Schüttgutfragen
Kostenloses Online-Seminar rund 90 min zu Pulverströmungsproblemen, Partikelcharakterisierung und Pulverentmischung Ziel dieses Online-Workshops ist es, das Bewusstsein der Ingenieure in der Industrie für Strömungsprobleme in ihren industriellen Prozessanlagen zu schärfen und den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit zu geben, direkt nach dem kostenlosen Seminar mit unserem Expertenteam in einem ausführlicheren Einzelgespräch spezifische Aspekte Ihrer Probleme beim Umgang mit Schüttgütern. Mann kann auch über die von uns angebotenen Dienstleistungen zu diskutieren, um Ihnen bei der Lösung der Fließprobleme Ihrer Materialien zu helfen. Zu den Themen gehören: # Einführung in die Grundsätze und Gleichungen für Pulverfluss und Entmischung # Charakterisierung von Pulverströmen und Messtechniken für die Entmischung # Fallstudien (industrielle Anwendungen und Herausforderungen) # Prüfgeräte und Datenerfassung Die Teilnehmer werden in der Lage sein, komplexe Strömungsprobleme in ihren industriellen Anwendungen zu verstehen und das Anlagenlayout auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlicher
20.03.2025  |  150x  |  Kurzbericht  | 
Kurze Kurse Pneumatic Conveying Technology A comprehensive introduction to the operation of pipeline systems and system design.
Kurze Kurse Pneumatic Conveying Technology
A comprehensive introduction to the operation of pipeline systems and system design. With an emphasis on the practical aspects of pneumatic conveying technology, these courses provide a comprehensive introduction to the basic operation of pipeline systems before moving on to the more complex calculations used in system design. Pneumatic Conveying of Bulk Solids; 14 – 16 May A basic course looking at system components, design techniques, operation and control of blow tank systems, explosion hazards, operational problems as well as interfacing storage bins with conveying systems. It also includes an optional practical workshop. This course will be repeated in October. Pneumatic Conveying System Design; 3 – 4 June An advanced course guiding delegates through the processes on how to obtain pipeline designs that work reliably, delivering the required throughput without unplanned maintenance and negative impact on quality of the powder being handled. This course will be repeated in November Each course take place in Chatham, Kent at the Wolfson
13.03.2025  |  486x  |  Produktnews  | 
Online Kurze Kurs: Caking and Lump Formation in Powders, Bulk Solids 2 x 3 hour sessions, delivered in English. Registration is now open. Fees will be discounted for 2 or more attendees from the same company.
Online Kurze Kurs: Caking and Lump Formation in Powders, Bulk Solids
2 x 3 hour sessions, delivered in English. Registration is now open. Fees will be discounted for 2 or more attendees from the same company. Join the experts for this online course to discover how to stop your materials form forming lumps or caking in vessels and discharge bins. Topics to be covered include: - Understanding the forces between particles and how they relate to chemistry, the environment and physical processes; - Methods for determining caking tendencies of powders and granules; - Practical advice on changes to the product and the handling and storage conditions to reduce this problem; - Advice on selection of the solution and practical implementation; - Extensive case studies of caking problems and their solutions across the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, mineral and other industries. 2 x 3 hour sessions, delivered in English. Registration is now open. Fees will be discounted for 2 or more attendees from the same company.
20.01.2025  |  1274x  |  Produktnews  | 
Online Powder Handling courses now open for registration  Four short courses looking at different characterisation and handling methods for reliable flow of bulk solids
Online Powder Handling courses now open for registration
Four short courses looking at different characterisation and handling methods for reliable flow of bulk solids Happy New Year! We begin 2025 with a series of online courses related to powder handling and flow. Following these is a week of workshops for attendees to come to the Wolfson Centre and use some of our powder handling equipment and learn about the different techniques available. Dr Vivek Garg, recently awarded the prestigious MHEA Innovation Award 2024 at BULKEX for his work with the Mechanical Surface Effect Tester, will be leading these courses and will be available to answer your queries. 20 and 21 January; 14:00 – 17:00 hrs Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials; An overview of methods for determining bulk behaviour of particulate materials such as particle size measurement and density, moisture uptake, explosibility, dustiness testing and the new Mechanical Surface Effect Tester. 27 and 28 January; 14:00 – 17:00 hrs Caking and Lump Formation in Powders; An exploration of issues relating to keeping
02.01.2025  |  7473x  |  Produktnews  | 
Bulk Materials Handling Short Courses for Industry 2025 Calendar is out now
Bulk Materials Handling Short Courses for Industry
2025 Calendar is out now Experts at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, at the University of Greenwich in UK are ready to train delegates from the Bulk Bulk Materials Handling Industries. Courses are scheduled through the year, either online or on campus. Registration is now open. This year we have some exciting new courses on offer, and we have also arranged a week of practical workshops to allow delegates the chance to use some of the new as well as the tried-and-tested pieces of equipment under the supervision of our experts. Online training We start with a series of online courses, examining the different issues encountered when storing and handling powders and particulate materials. Each course looks at methods to avoid or resolve problems encountered in different situations allowing delegates to gain the knowledge to help troubleshoot issues themselves. In January * Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials - An overview of
11.12.2024  |  2024x  |  Produktnews  |   | 
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