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11.12.2024  |  1905x
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Bulk Materials Handling Short Courses for Industry

2025 Calendar is out now

Experts at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, at the University of Greenwich in UK are ready to train delegates from the Bulk Bulk Materials Handling Industries. Courses are scheduled through the year, either online or on campus. Registration is now open.

This year we have some exciting new courses on offer, and we have also arranged a week of practical workshops to allow delegates the chance to use some of the new as well as the tried-and-tested pieces of equipment under the supervision of our experts.

Online training

We start with a series of online courses, examining the different issues encountered when storing and handling powders and particulate materials. Each course looks at methods to avoid or resolve problems encountered in different situations allowing delegates to gain the knowledge to help troubleshoot issues themselves.

In January

  • Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials - An overview of methods for determining bulk behaviour of particulate materials .
  • Caking and Lump Formation of Powders and Bulk Solids - Concentration on issues relating to keeping powders and granules in a free-flowing, lump-free condition.

In February

  • Undesired Deblending and Separation in Processes and Equipment - Identification of common segregation mechanisms and how to minimise the effects.
  • Electrostatics in Powder Handling - Causes and effects of electrostatic charging in powders and bulk material handling.

NEW: Workshop Week

25 - 28 February: A series of practical workshops in the onsite pilot plant in Chatham using different techniques to establish the behaviour of bulk solid materials.
  • Understanding Powder Flow (in conjunction with Ametek)
  • Characterisation Techniques
  • Dust Containment Methods and Filtration
  • Segregation Methods

Standard General Courses
The popular general basic courses will be available again through the year:
  • Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Materials
  • Pneumatic Conveying of Bulk Solids
  • Overview of Particulate Handling Technology
These can also be delivered in-company either onsite or online

Advanced courses
For the more experienced engineer we offer a selection of advanced courses, some being available only in-company this year.
  • Pneumatic Conveying System Design
  • Design of Equipment for Storing and Handling Powders and Bulk Materials
  • Troubleshooting and Commissioning Pneumatic Conveying Systems

**New Courses**

This year we will be offering a selection of themed courses, starting in the summer with one for the Batteries Industry, and another for the Pharma Industry.

Who should attend?

All courses are written with the engineer in mind. They are recommended for operators who handle bulk materials daily, for maintenance, Health & Safety officers, plant or equipment designers and manufacturers, or management of such staff. Anyone who handles any form of bulk material could benefit from attending.

We look forward to welcoming you onto our courses.


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