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23.06.2023  |  1947x
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Free Webinar for the Additive Manufacturing Industry

New approaches to quantify powder’s bed surface qualities in additive manufacturing

30 June 2023 13;00 hrs UK time
Presenter: Dr Hamid Salehi
Latest Techniques in Spreadability Testing and Layer Quality Control.

The powder bed surface qualities play an important role in the quality of the final parts fabricated using powder bed Additive Manufacturing processes. The development and application of a new techniques and prototype instrument which can be used to simulate the creation of a powder bed and reveal the surface properties of that bed will be introduced in this presentation. The new tester can be used to evaluate powder bed surface roughness, evaluate powder bed relative packing fraction, change in particle size and shape over the build plate and electrostatic charges over the powder bed.

This webinar will provide a snapshot of the research conducted to date and it’s use in industry.


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