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06.03.2023  |  2030x
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Short course: Electrostatics in Powder Handling

Learn about the causes of electrostatic charging and how they affect the handling of powders in the manufacturing process.
An online course spread over 2 x 3 hour sessions, to discuss the issues surrounding the behaviour of powders suffering electrostatic charging during the manufacturing process. The hazards caused to product quality control and risk assessment will be identified and principal charge measurement techniques reviewed. Their use in the prediction and solution of problems will be discussed.

Plant operators and designers, plant managers and maintenance personnel will all benefit enormously from attending this course, through improving their understanding of the behaviour of powders to learning techniques to overcome the problems encountered.

The course leader is Mike Bradley, Professor of Bulk and Particulate Technologies and Director of the Wolfson Centre. He has worked internationally on design and troubleshooting for bulk solids handling as a commercial consultant and research expert for over twenty years.


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