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26.07.2022  |  2936x
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Kostenlose Webinare für die Schüttgutindustrie

Jeden Monat möchten wir einen Einblick in ein anderes Thema der Schüttgutförderung geben. Jedes Webinar wird 30 Minuten dauern, gefolgt von einer Fragerunde.
30 September:
Is it possible to predict segregation in large scale industrial silos?

Presenter: Dr Susantha (Jeff) Dissanayake

Predicting segregation is important for reducing sudden fines spikes during discharge from silos. Jeff, in conjunction with experts at The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solid Handling Technology, has recently developed Cellular Automata (CA) based modelling to predict segregation in industrial hoppers and silos. Initial results have shown promising outcomes. This session will discuss this technique and the research conducted in Industry.

28 October:
Prediction of Bulk Flow Properties using Mechanical Surface Energy Tester

Presenter: Dr Vivek Garg

Measuring forces between particles and surfaces in cohesive powders
The webinar will focus on elucidating a unique test technique for measuring forces between particles and surfaces using cohesive powders in a mechanical surface energy tester developed by Vivek in conjunction with experts at The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology at the University of Greenwich. The technique focuses on predicting the powder flow function using this novel technique in conjunction with common particle attributes, with the goal of predicting flowability problems at an early stage of formulation using only a small amount of powder sample. This session will discuss this technique and the research conducted in Industry.

25 November:
Use of Simulation models to help identify areas of high dust concentration

Presenter: Dr Stefan Zigan

Is your plant at risk of a dust explosion? Industries handling biomass such as wood pellets must consider strategies to avoid the concentration and build-up of fine particles (smaller 40 microns) in their handling and storage equipment which could cause dust explosions.
In this session we share our experience of setting up experiments for the purpose of calibrating and validating simulation models to identify areas of high dust concentrations in handling and storage equipment. We also discuss strategies and challenges faced by practitioners.

We look forward to welcoming you to one or more webinar.
Please feel free to share these events with your colleagues so they can register.


Mehr Beiträge

Pulverhandhabung und Pulverfluss für die additive Fertigung Online-Kurzlehrgang.......coming up
Pulverhandhabung und Pulverfluss für die additive Fertigung
Online-Kurzlehrgang.......coming up Auch in diesem Jahr arbeitet das Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology mit einigen der führenden Experten der Additive Manufacturing-Industrie zusammen, um die Teilnehmer durch die potenziellen Probleme zu führen, die bei der Handhabung von Pulvern im Rahmen des AM-Prozesses auftreten. Präsentationen des Fraunhofer IFAM Instituts in Bremen und von Carpenter Additive werden neben Beiträgen der University of Greenwich und des Wolfson Centre gehalten. Neu in diesem Jahr ist, dass Dr. Hamid Salehi von der Universität Greenwich zusätzlich zu den Standardthemen Recycling und Qualitätsfragen, Verunreinigung, Oxidation, Pulverhandhabung und wichtige Sicherheitsüberlegungen seine Erkenntnisse über die neuesten Techniken bei der Prüfung der Verteilbarkeit und der Qualitätskontrolle von Schichten vorstellen wird. Die Delegierten werden Folgendes erfahren * Die neue Technik und das neue Instrument, die entwickelt wurden, um das Verhalten eines
06.06.2022  |  6108x  |  Produktnews  | 
Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Materials A general short course covering some of the most common issues met by process engineers when handling bulk materials including material build-up in hoppers and unreliable discharge of the contents.
Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Materials
A general short course covering some of the most common issues met by process engineers when handling bulk materials including material build-up in hoppers and unreliable discharge of the contents. Taking place in April you will learn about * Basics of hopper and silo design and function * Dealing with potential problems * Discharge aids and interfacing to feeders These courses are being offered in two formats: * Online: delivered over 5 morning sessions, 4 – 8 April * Face to face: If you prefer to attend in person, you can now do so for a two day course at our premises in Chatham, Kent. 26 – 27 April The course content is the same on either course. Attendees on either course are also invited to join the Practical Workshop on 28 April, where some of the theory aspects are demonstrated in our on-site laboratories. Who should attend? All courses are written with the engineer in mind. They are recommended for operators who handle bulk materials daily, for maintenance, Health & Safety officers, plant or equipment designers and manufacturers, or management of such staff. Anyone who handles any form of bulk material could benefit from attending.
17.03.2022  |  2805x  |  Produktnews  | 
Caking and Lump Formation of Powders and Bulk Solids Online short course for the powder and particulate industry at The Wolfson Centre For Bulk Solids Handling Technology.
Caking and Lump Formation of Powders and Bulk Solids
Online short course for the powder and particulate industry at The Wolfson Centre For Bulk Solids Handling Technology. 1 - 2 February 2022; 14:00 - 17:00 hrs each day (UK time) This course is designed to deal with issues relating to keeping powders and granules in a free-flowing, lump-free condition. You will learn about: * The forces between particles and how they relate to chemistry, the environment and physical processes; * Methods for determining caking tendencies of powders and granules; * Practical advice on changes to the product and the handling and storage conditions to reduce this problem; * Advice on selection of the solution and practical implementation; The course is aimed at Produce Managers, Development Chemists/Formulators, Quality Assurance Officers and Plant Designers/Managers. Operational staff or senior management will also benefit through a better understanding of what can go wrong and how to make your plant as efficient and trouble-free as possible. Delegates are also invited to take part in a Practical Workshop on 16 February at the Wolfson
19.01.2022  |  3089x  |  Produktnews  | 
Schuettgut-Portal BulkSolids-Portal Recycling-Portal
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