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Teile diesen Event
Art: Konferenz
Dauer: 1 Tag
Datum: 10.06.2025
Ort: Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK

Eintritt: kostenpflichtig

Fire Prevention and Management in Biomass and Bulk Materials Storage


The 4th Conference in the ‘Silo Fires’ series to promote awareness of fires in silos and flat stores and how to prevent or manage these occurrences.

This conference will highlight an issue that is quite common but not very well exposed or covered. Unlike explosions, it is not regulated by DSEAR so does not get the same attention, but fires in storage of bulk solids is probably more common than explosions.

The conference will open with a couple of case studies, moving on to discussing current scientific knowledge, finishing with advice on how to deal with the aftermath of fires in storage vessels, along with strategies for safety via design and operation practices.


  • Lynemouth Power will present one of the Case Studies;
  • Silo Fire Ignition Sources ; Southdowne Solutions
  • Early Fire Detection in Silos, Prevention and Preparation; Firefly
  • Silo Fire Safety 2.0; Robecco and Thorwestern Vent
  • A Novel Approach to Predict Self-heating in Large Biomass Stores; The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology

The conference is hosted at the University of Greenwich Medway campus, organised by the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology. Sponsors include SHAPA, MHEA and IMechE.


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