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02.03.2023  |  2244x
Diesen Beitrag teilen
Lagerung und Entleerung von Pulvern und Schüttgütern

Haben Sie Probleme mit der Entleerung von Trichtern und Silos?

Der Intensivkurs ”Lagerung und Austragung von Pulvern und Schüttgütern” wurde speziell für die Lösung von Problemen mit Trichtern, Silos, Behältern und Bunkern entwickelt
Trichter, Silos, Behälter und Bunker werden in der Industrie häufig zur Lagerung von Schüttgütern verwendet. Bei diesen Anlagen können jedoch Betriebsprobleme auftreten - oft, weil sie ohne Kenntnis der Fließeigenschaften des zu lagernden Materials konzipiert wurden. Dieser Intensivkurs wurde speziell entwickelt, um bei der Lösung solcher Probleme zu helfen.

Kurs Lagerung und Entleerung...

Overview: Facilities storing bulk solid materials sometimes experience operational problems – often because they have been designed without knowledge of the flow characteristics of the material to be stored. This course advises on preventing such problems.

Subjects covered:

  • An introduction to the storage and flow of bulk solid materials in hoppers, bins and bunkers
  • Determining the flow properties of bulk solids
  • Determination of hopper geometry
  • Predicting discharge rates
  • Feeders and feeding
  • Hopper discharge aids
  • Prediction of wall loadings and their effect on structural design
  • Discussion/troubleshooting period

Course fee: from £825 on campus

Delegates are also offered the chance to participate in the optional practical workshop where equipment and processes discussed during the course will be demonstrated.


Zugeordnete Events

Zugeordnete Fachbeiträge

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Powder Flow Technology video A review of equipment and outputs used to assess the flowability of powder and granular materials which can also be used for vessel design.
Powder Flow Technology video
A review of equipment and outputs used to assess the flowability of powder and granular materials which can also be used for vessel design. Prof Mike Bradley, Director of the Wolfson Centre, explains the importance of Powder Flow Technology in this short video. Please contact us for advice through consultancy or training in this area of application. A chat in the first instance will cost nothing but your time.
28.11.2022  |  2504x  |  Produktbeschreibung  |   | 
Kostenloses Webinar (en): Vorhersage von Schüttguteigenschaften Messung der Kräfte zwischen Partikeln und Oberflächen in kohäsiven Pulvern mittels Mechanical Surface Energy Tester; Webinar auf Englisch am 28. Oktober 2022.
Kostenloses Webinar (en): Vorhersage von Schüttguteigenschaften
Messung der Kräfte zwischen Partikeln und Oberflächen in kohäsiven Pulvern mittels Mechanical Surface Energy Tester; Webinar auf Englisch am 28. Oktober 2022. The webinar will focus on elucidating a unique test technique for measuring forces between particles and surfaces using cohesive powders in a mechanical surface energy tester developed by Dr Vivek Garg in conjunction with experts at The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology at the University of Greenwich. The technique focuses on predicting the powder flow function using this novel technique in conjunction with common particle attributes, with the goal of predicting flowability problems at an early stage of formulation using only a small amount of powder sample. This session will discuss this technique and the research conducted in Industry.
17.10.2022  |  2365x  |  Produktnews  | 
Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Materials A general short course covering some of the most common issues met by process engineers when handling bulk materials including material build-up in hoppers and unreliable discharge of the contents.
Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Materials
A general short course covering some of the most common issues met by process engineers when handling bulk materials including material build-up in hoppers and unreliable discharge of the contents. Taking place in April you will learn about * Basics of hopper and silo design and function * Dealing with potential problems * Discharge aids and interfacing to feeders These courses are being offered in two formats: * Online: delivered over 5 morning sessions, 4 – 8 April * Face to face: If you prefer to attend in person, you can now do so for a two day course at our premises in Chatham, Kent. 26 – 27 April The course content is the same on either course. Attendees on either course are also invited to join the Practical Workshop on 28 April, where some of the theory aspects are demonstrated in our on-site laboratories. Who should attend? All courses are written with the engineer in mind. They are recommended for operators who handle bulk materials daily, for maintenance, Health & Safety officers, plant or equipment designers and manufacturers, or management of such staff. Anyone who handles any form of bulk material could benefit from attending.
17.03.2022  |  2862x  |  Produktnews  | 
Schuettgut-Portal BulkSolids-Portal Recycling-Portal
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